00There are two sides to every story -
and then there’s the truth.
English |
10Things are never so bad that
they are not good for something.
- Norwegian proverb
English |
60जब हर इंसान यह समझ जाएगा
कि जीवन बहुत छोटा है
तो स्वर्ग जाने के लिए
मरना नहीं पड़ेगा ..
Hindi |
01Student: Master, must I always serve the law..?
Master: Hear the law; serve justice..
English |
80Reverence for God is the beginning of wisdom &
it cannot be equated..
English |
00He who delights in understanding the material world is not a Sage.
He who has personal attachments is not humane.
He who calculates the time of his actions is not wise.
He who does not know the interaction of benefit and harm is not a superior man.
He who pursues fame at the risk of losing his self is not a scholar.
He who loses his life and is not true to himself can never be a master of man..
- from The Book of Chuang Tzu
English |
20It is better to cry than to be angry,
- Hemant Singh
because anger hurts others while
tears flow silently through the soul and
cleanses the Heart ..
English |
00A famous soldier came to the master Hakuin and asked:
"Master, tell me: is there really a heaven and a hell?"
"Who are you?" asked Hakuin.
"I am a soldier of the great Emperor's personal guard."
"Nonsense!" said Hakuin.
"What kind of emperor would have you around him?
To me you look like a beggar!"
At this, the soldier started to rattle his big sword in anger.
"Oho!" said Hakuin.
"So you have a sword!
I'll wager it's much too dull to cut my head off!"
At this the soldier could not hold himself back.
He drew his sword and threatened the master, who said:
"Now you know half the answer! You are opening the gates of hell!"
The soldier drew back, sheathed his sword, and bowed.
"Now you know the other half," said the master.
"You have opened the gates of heaven ."
English |
00प्रत्येक आत्मा स्वयं में सर्वज्ञ और आनंदमय है
आनंद बाहर से नहीं आता ..
Hindi |
10When you get to the top of the mountain,
Keep Climbing..
English |
03Life is not limited to oxygen
it is our limiting belief.
The whole universe is breathing..
English |
00Recognize that the moons will never align.
Nothing is perfect.
English |
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